The most persistent, widespread, lethal outbreak of the Ebola virus in human history is currently ongoing in West Africa. With a reported fatality rate of 71 percent in the region, the virus has spread from Guinea to Liberia and Sierra Leone and killed nearly 5,000 people in its path. So naturally, as Americans, we decided to make a joke out of it.

Exhibit A: a “sexy Ebola containment suit”, worn by a model in half of a hazmat uniform. This wouldn’t be the United States if we didn’t make a disease that disrupts the function of major organs sexy.
There has to be a point where we draw the line. I draw it here. Stop trying to profit from a deadly disease, please.

Exhibit B: Men had the Ebola option, too. They could have worn a full hazmat suit and a gas mask for 80 dollars. That’s right – you had the option of disrespecting several thousands of victims with distasteful garb for just 80 dollars on Halloween night.
Over 3500 miles to the Northeast in Iraq and Syria, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, commonly known as ISIS, continues to terrorize religious minorities, the religiously indifferent and just about everyone who doesn’t see eye-to-eye with them. They publicly execute, crucify and torture Shia muslims and christians of all ages.
Some Americans dressed up as ISIS militants and made the Ebola costumes look tame.


How adorable, an ISIS couple. This redefines ‘distasteful’.
These are just a handful of the worst. Some dressed up as the late Joan Rivers, who passed away last month, while other incorrigibles went as Malaysian Airlines, which recently lost a flight. In a bizarre case of bad parenting, a couple even dressed their baby up as a cigarette.
America: always classy.