With the ballots closed for rising tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grade class officer elections, new and re-elected officers are already starting the leadership process for next year.
Aside from the position of Vice President, the current ninth grade officers have been re-elected and will continue to serve their grade in tenth grade. President Luke Iacono spoke about continuing his presidency next year, saying, “Next year [our terms will] be a full year, while this [term] was 5 months at most. It was definitely a lot of work this year, and I think it’ll be more work next year, but I’m looking forward to it because there will be more chances to actually do things for my grade.”

Mason Levens, ninth grade class Treasurer, expressed excitement about planning Coffee House and said that the officers “want to be able to continue the tradition and legacy of putting on a really great Coffee House for the Upper School.” Maya DeAndrea, newly elected Vice President, was also very excited about Coffee House. The rising tenth grade officers’ potential initiatives consist of a fun run, increasing class funds, and improving planning during spirit week.
The rising eleventh grade class officers have much larger responsibilities than they had in tenth grade because they plan prom. The officers said they are excited to use the resources they have and the experience they’ve gained to do more for their grade and bring their grade closer together.
President Alicia Leung, who was re-elected this year, said she was “most excited to bond with [the rising eleventh] grade,” saying that “[they] never got a chance to know one another because of COVID.” She said that part of her plan to bring the grade closer together was to “have a movie night and a class service event.”
Newly elected vice president Maisah Muhammad also ran for office to strengthen her relationship with the grade. She said that she ran for this position because she “wanted to be more involved and interact with [her] grade in a leadership role.”
Secretary Skyla Larluz, who is newly elected, echoed these sentiments: “I plan on having different bake sales and activities that would bring the class together,” she commented. While the officers have their hands full with prom planning, they said they will continue to look for ways to do more for their grade and the larger community.
The rising twelfth graders will have a mostly new team of class officers next year. The new President for the rising twelfth grade, Arjan Chhabra, is excited for the new opportunity and has already begun making plans: “I want to have a big high school event for the whole high school, and I was thinking of doing a high school movie night. I also wish to have other service opportunities that I am already working on with Jayden Lewis, the class Secretary.”
Esha Patel, a returning class officer, will be assuming the role of Vice President for the first time. She mentioned how she wants to make next year a fun year for the grade: “I am excited to close our senior year on a high note and make everyone happy.”
Returning class Treasurer Aadit Pande said he is expecting the role of Treasurer in senior year to be less stressful than in junior year: “I feel like in 11th grade it was more stressful because of school work and planning prom. And I think senior year class officers are just about having fun,” he said.