As the seniors prepared to leave for their senior projects on May 6, they were given a new tradition: a senior dinner. Whether it’s old or new, tradition has always held a meaningful place at Moorestown Friends. On May 5 at the Moorestown Community House, the senior class and Upper School staff joined together for “Senior Dinner.”

“One of the things I’ve heard a lot from the seniors is this feeling that there weren’t enough opportunities to celebrate the senior class,” said Upper School Director Noah Rachlin. The Upper School administration hopes the Senior Dinner can become a new tradition to celebrate seniors in a new way surrounded by their peers and teachers. This event is a more formal celebration unlike events such as Project Graduation and Senior Countdown. The formality is significant because the students don’t get many chances to come together without the rest of the student body as a whole.
Students in the senior class agree that adding new events will be a nice tradition to end their year before they start their senior projects. Nia Hipps ’22 said, “For seniors, I think it’s nice adding on to the traditions like Senior Project and things like Project Graduation as well.”
Julia Applegate, the Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications, who attended the event, said, “I think it was a nice culmination of [the seniors’] high school careers in a way that could celebrate just their class without also having to consider family members and other outside of school community members.”
Unlike graduation and some other senior activities, the senior dinner allowed students to gather with just their other peers and teachers outside of the school setting. The Upper School administration hopes a dinner celebrating the seniors is a tradition that continues for years to come.