by Andrew Rowan ’19 and Andrew Shah ’19

Following the cancellation of all afterschool activities due to the inclement weather, Thursday night’s tech rehearsal of the fall musical, The Drowsy Chaperone, has been rescheduled to Friday afternoon, ending just two and a half hours prior to the start of the show. For the cast and crew, it will be an exercise in stamina.
Thursday’s rehearsal was scheduled to run from 4 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and was to include a full run through. According to multiple cast members, the show has been run through multiple times, though none without stopping.
In an email sent to the show’s cast and stage crew, director Angela Wertner wrote, “I want to encourage all of my student actors and technicians to stay calm, breathe, and KNOW that the show must go on, and it will go on.”
The increased snowfall was not expected by anyone, including professional meteorologists. In a 12:30 p.m. email addressed to “Student Drivers”, Upper School Director Meredith Godley wrote, “We will not be dismissing students early today as the temperatures appear to be warming as the day progresses. We anticipate the roads will be safer if you can wait to go home at the 3:10, or even later.”
The warming temperatures, however, did not arrive soon enough. At 2:00 p.m., Director of Marketing and Communications Mike Schlotterbeck sent an email to the MFS Community announcing that all afterschool activities would be cancelled due to the “continued snow”.
Despite the flurry of last minute changes, Wertner said there were to be no conflicts for Friday’s Tech Rehearsal: “There are still many pieces being put together, and it is integral for your safety that you are all present.”
Some cast members expressed frustration with the unexpected change of plans. Senior Katie Paw, who plays Mrs. Tottendale in the show, said she was planning to use Friday as a day to take care of personal obligations after being at school until 10 p.m. every day this week, but now won’t be able to.
Senior Mariana Goldlust, who plays Janet Van de Graff, acknowledged that moving the rehearsal was the only possible option, but said it is difficult to do two consecutive runs of the show without straining. “Having Friday was a good way to reboot before opening night,” she said.
Despite the circumstances, Goldlust said the show is in “good condition” and will “certainly still come together.”
“As long as we are all conscious of our bodies and voices in tomorrow’s run, we should be all set for the evening show,” said Goldust.
Regarding the rehearsal’s rescheduling, Senior Mya Corsey, a stage manager for the musical, told WordsWorth, “I was mad. Nobody wanted it to be moved because we need practice, and now we have to be at school at 11:45 A.M. tomorrow. I think it will affect the musical a little [bit], because we have to cram everything in in one day. It adds a lot of stress.”
The rescheduled rehearsal is not unprecedented at MFS. During the tech week for last year’s winter play, two snow days forced two rehearsals to be cancelled, which resulted in the cancellation of the Friday night show, which was used as a final rehearsal.
“For any of you who do not know me,” wrote Wertner, “know right now, that my ships always sail, so you are in good hands and I will make it all happen! Rest at ease..”
The curtain rises on The Drowsy Chaperone tonight night at 7:30 p.m.