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The Student News Site of Moorestown Friends School



The Student News Site of Moorestown Friends School


Editorial Policies

Mission Statement
To serve as a primary, periodical outlet for unbiased evaluation of prominent scholastic, national, local and international issues, presenting said issues in a manner that is informative and entertaining, with no prior review or prior restraint from faculty and/or administration.

Ad Policy
We do not run ads.

Editorial Policy
WordsWorth seeks to create a forum for expression of student opinion.  The opinions expressed can vary greatly, giving depth to discussion and thought at MFS.  However, opinions should be expressed respectfully and should be respected.  The following policy is observed by WordsWorth staff writers and editors to ensure integrity and fairness:

  1. Letters to the editor are allowed and will be printed with the author’s name.  The author of a letter to the editor can refuse to have their letter printed.
  2. These letters must respectfully state an opinion without any form of bad language or personal attack.
  3. Occasionally, the staff will invite Op-Ed contributors to express their opinions in the paper.
  4. Signed editorials reflect the opinion of the author only and not anyone else involved with the paper.
  5. Unsigned editorials reflect the group opinion of the paper’s editorial board, which comprises the Editor-in-Chief, the website editor and the page editors.
  6. Editorials must not include any form of attack on a person or persons.

Obituary Policy
In the event of the death of a member of the student body or faculty at MFS, a brief article will run commemorating the person and his or her impact on the community.  It will be accompanied by a photo, if possible.

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