As another year at Moorestown Friends School comes to an end, the campus bids farewell to one of its most talented athletes: Alex Kwak ’23. Kwak has been an essential component of the MFS golf team for the past four years, leaving an impact on the sport and his teammates.
With his incredible effort and dedication throughout the years, Kwak has helped bring home two major victories for the Moorestown Friends golf team. In 2021 and 2023, he played a key role in securing wins in the Friends School League tournaments, as a sophomore carding a 94 in the 2021 tournament and as a senior carding an 82 in the 2023 tournament.
Along with these major accomplishments, he recently played in the Burlington County Open tournament, shooting a 77 and tying for first place with Cherokee High School’s Tommy Marshall ’25 and Lenape High School’s Andrew Dove ’23. These victories are a testament to how hard Kwak worked through the years along with his ability to always rise to the occasion when it mattered most.
The MFS golf team will undoubtedly feel his absence. Katherine Lee ’25, who also plays for the MFS golf team and is a long-time teammate of Kwak’s, said, “Kwak has been a really good captain. He’s always really supportive of all of us on the team, and he’s a very consistent player. Before every match, he’s always there to give us a pep talk and, sort of, hype up the team, and whenever I’m in a negative mindset, Alex is always there to boost my spirits and keep me in a positive mood.”
Hannah Puc ’24, another teammate of Kwak’s, bolstered Lee’s sentiment while also emphasizing Kwak’s ability to help the team prepare for every match, stating that “he was a great captain” and that he “kept us motivated and informed us about what scores were needed to beat a team.”
When asked about his future plans involving golf, Alex Kwak said he plans on “playing forever,” viewing golf as a “lifetime sport.” He looks forward to continuing playing the sport for fun and hopefully competitively as he “look[s] to join a club golf team at Rutgers,” where he will attend school in the fall.