Meet Your New Officers …

What are the class officers responsible for?
Class officers are tasked with facilitating progress within their grades and acting on the class’s desires in relation to improving the overall Upper School experiences for both their respective grades and the entire MFS Community. These efforts can manifest themselves in myriad ways, from community-building activities like fundraisers to efforts bridging the gap between students and the administration in spaces such as Agenda Committee by representing the beliefs and concerns of their peers within the Upper School decision-making process.
The primary responsibility of the class president is to facilitate gradewide discourse through mediums such as the organization of class meetings to gather feedback. Presidents are then, in partnership with their fellow class officers, tasked with taking these student suggestions, bringing them to the various Upper School communities, and implementing them within future policy decisions.

Operating in a similar role to the President, the class vice-president co-facilitates class meetings and is placed in control of the Class Office in the President’s absence. In addition to this, the vice-president is vested with the responsibility of managing any sub-committees created by their Student Government for special circumstances such as event planning or facilitation of Ad-hoc committees to discuss specific class issues.
Responsible for managing the financial assets of their grade, the class treasurer us tasked with coordinating fundraisers, delivering budget reports, and advising the allocation of class funds. At the conclusion of a fundraising event, it is the duty of the treasurer to record the respective profit/loss, and to relay this information to the Upper School and Business Offices. Additionally, the treasurer is to serve as the liaison on financial matters between the class and school administration.

The class secretary is responsible for recording class meeting minutes as well as organizing class-related documents. In addition, the secretary is tasked with meeting with SAGE Dining on a monthly basis to represent the interests of their grade. Most importantly, the secretary works closely with the other class officers to schedule class meetings, create agenda forms, and provide weekly updates for the grade about school and gradewide events.