After a temporary alteration to Senior Projects the past two years, the program has resumed in its typical format for the class of 2022, who embarked on their respective projects beginning on May 9.
In 2020 and 2021, seniors were unable to attend their projects in-person due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which limited their opportunities. With projects in a virtual format, these students did not have the ability to participate in the complete experience. This year, students are attending projects in an in-person format, allowing for a variety of projects to be undertaken.
Senior Projects have been an element of the MFS curriculum for a considerable duration of time, with students taking advantage of the opportunity to pursue a project in a field that attracts their interest. From cardiology to musical theater, graduating classes at MFS embark on a diverse range of senior projects. All projects must be located within fifty miles of Moorestown Friends and supervisors are also forbidden from compensating students for their work.
Leo Zhang discussed his project in relation to his chosen college major, art and design. He said that he is “working at the flower shop on Main Street” for his senior project, where he will be assisting in managing the store and selling flowers. Tilly LuBrant, who will be attending college as a performing arts major, is pursuing a senior project at the Ritz Theater, where she will be “helping out with their stage productions.”
Danya Weinstock and Evan Kolaris discussed their pursuits of business and finance, respectively. Weinstock stated that his senior project, shadowing a manager at Boscov’s, highlights the “analytics and supply chain side” of business. He added that his work will “help with [his] future endeavors.” Kolaris is embarking on a senior project at a Lexus car dealership, where is “working in the finance department.” He also stated that he “feel[s] like it’s a great challenge.”
Jason Strauss is interning at the Philadelphia District Attorney’s office. He said that “[The project] is very helpful to inform my future, and I am very interested in the topic … It should be some interesting work.” Kendall Borbi, a graduate of Westfield Friends School, will be embarking on her senior project at the school, where she will be working with students and teachers.. She added that “she just thinks it will help her community.”
Isabella Pesactore is helping out at a preschool for kids with special needs, where she remarked that she “wanted to work on [her] communication skills and time management while also helping out younger kids.” Adam Shehata, who will be working in an orthopedic surgery office, stated that he will be “shadowing one of the doctors for a little bit of his time and also doing some office work.” Shehata also expressed his interest in pursuing “sports medicine or kinesiology, something that’s relevant to orthopedic surgery.”
Nupur Shah, who also is working with an orthopedic surgeon, stated that her interest in the project came from being “really interested in medicine.” She added that the internship will be an effective way to gain insight into a potential career. Katerina Kostopoulos is another member of the senior class who is working in medicine; she is interning at a cardiologist’s office. She chose this project because she will have the opportunity to “see not only how a practice is run, but how doctors care for patients.”
Additionally, the class of 2023 has begun to reflect on their own possible senior projects. Andrew Mercantini ’23 said that “senior projects are a fun opportunity. It’s something a lot of seniors don’t get to experience …” Regarding the projects of the class of 2022, he said, “Talking to friends this year in the senior class, a lot of people are just following their passions … I would be looking at something in global business, or interested in something with marketing. I definitely want to see if I can travel.”
The class of 2022 will share what they have learned with the Moorestown Friends community during the last week of school. Additionally, their learning will be shared on a website detailing the senior projects.