Until recently, the Moorestown Friends’ athletic department had a rule requiring all athletes to wear a full coverage shirt underneath their school-issued practice pinnies. However, it was made clear that this rule did not actually apply to all athletes. Several boys soccer players were seen without anything under their pinnies, sometimes without any shirts at all, while it was repeatedly made clear to the girls field hockey team that this rule was non-negotiable. Many field hockey players voiced their concerns to both coaches and fellow teammates surrounding the inconsistency with which this rule was enforced and the underlying implications that came with it.
This rule has been in place since at least 2004, when Athletic Director and former field hockey coach Danielle Dayton arrived at MFS. She remembers that “for a while there it was the expectation that all the athletes would wear shirts underneath their pinnies. And so as the field hockey coach that’s something I kept in place from year to year because that was the expectation.” Although it was previously expected of all athletes to follow this rule, it seemed as though the athletic department held a double standard for male and female athletes.
As obvious as it may seem that the t-shirt requirement would be consistently implemented throughout the department, this was not the case. This was clearly demonstrated to the athletes who felt disproportionately impacted by this rule.
Athletic Director Danielle Dayton said, “I don’t know that I noticed that, no. So I appreciate you bringing this to my attention,” after learning about the inequities her athletes feel they are facing.
Dayton also mentioned, “I think this is important, I want to hear about these things. I want to know what’s on the minds of the student athletes, and I also want to be a part of a solution that feels right for our community.” Girls’ field hockey has felt silenced for as long as most players can remember, and now this discrepancy is on its way to being an issue of the past.
After learning of the issues her athletes were dealing with, Dayton realized that changes needed to be made. At the end of the 2021-22 season, Dayton spoke with the field hockey team to inform them of the changes to the athletic department’s policy. This inconsistent rule with hints of underlying sexisms was revisited in hopes of creating a safe and more equal environment for all athletes, no matter their gender or the sport they choose to participate in.