Because the majority of the Upper School community is vaccinated, options for Spirit Week have opened up compared to last June’s limited activities. Students are excited for this year’s Spirit Week and are hoping that it will return to normal: “Because I have so many fun memories from spirit week from a few years ago, I’m hoping that we can finally go back to normal, well sort of normal, this year,” explained Annika Yeh ’23.
Although the number of Covid cases has significantly dropped from last year, the unpredictability of Covid-19 cases in our community leaves the Dean’s Office with the decision: Which Spirit Week traditions are safe and which are not?
Will Miller, the Dean of Students, explained, “You have to keep in mind, too, that things can change based on the way in which the virus is present in our community. And, so based on that, you’re sitting and waiting on any adjustments you might have to make related to that. It’s definitely a challenge to return to the normal and the traditional way in which we used to experience Spirit Week.”
As the Dean’s Office is still in the process of planning Spirit Week, Upper School students are uncertain of what Spirit Week will look like this year. Miller has confirmed the following details:
- Airband
To the Upper School students’ excitement, airband will be happening live in the auditorium on Friday, October 22. However, all four grades won’t be able to be in the auditorium at one time due to the small space of the auditorium. Updates on when each grade will be allowed to watch airband in the auditorium will be released by Miller soon.
Annika Yeh, ’23, explained, “I’m usually not a part of airband, but it was definitely a lot of fun to watch freshman year. The location isn’t really a big deal to me. I do really want to finally have just a live airband again though. I just feel like it’s so much more exciting that way.”
- Hallway Night
Hallway night will be happening on Thursday, October 21. However, there is no guarantee that it will be exactly the same as previous years. There will need to be Covid safety precautions, which are currently being arranged by the Dean’s Office, in order to keep everyone safe. Miller will likely release these precautions in the days leading up to the event.
Upper School students like Nathaniel Rodwell-Simon, ’23 expressed their excitement for one of their favorite Spirit Week traditions making its way back this year: “In freshman year, I really enjoyed getting together with the entire grade, or most of the grade, and just working all together on a project. And I think that last year, it felt less involved; it felt like a lot less people were involved in the float versus how many were on hallway night.”
- Eliminator
Eliminator will be returning to its traditional version on Thursday, October 21. However, the location will be different due to the social distancing challenges the small space of the red gym presents. Instead of being in the Red Gym, Eliminator is planned to be played outdoors in the oval.
- Quiz Bowl
Quiz bowl will be returning to the DHC this year on Tuesday, October 19. Miller is aiming to have all four grades in the DHC at once. However, this has not been confirmed yet, and he will be releasing a plan for Quiz Bowl in the following week.
- Slimy Fish Toss/Tug of War/Jello-Eating
Both Slimy Fish Toss and tug of war will continue to be played on the sports fields on Monday and Tuesday, like last year, while Jello-eating will return to the sports fields on Monday.
- Spirit Week Dance
The Spirit Week Dance will return to the dining hall on Friday, October 22. Students and staff will be required to wear masks when inside. However, there will be opportunities for students and staff to take their masks off and eat outside.