On Monday, January 13, Head of School Julia de la Torre released a statement to the MFS community announcing Associate Head of School and Academic Dean Chris Kimberly’s resignation. Kimberly formally leaves MFS June 30 on his way to Ijamsville, Maryland to assume the role of Head of School at Friends Meeting School. In another statement two days later, de la Torre announced that filling in Kimberly’s role will be current Upper School Director Meredith Godley, effective July 1.
In her Monday statements, de la Torre stated that Kimberly “has served as a role model for countless students, faculty, and staff. When you discuss practicing and living a life based on Quaker values, there is no better example than Chris.” Kimberly also served as Upper School Director from 2009-12, spending over a decade of his career at MFS.
Assuming Kimberly’s role will be Meredith Godley as she transitions from her current position as Upper School Director to Associate Head of School and Academic Dean. The strategic plan, a new design plan for the school, is one of Godley’s biggest tasks to tackle in her new position. “The thing I’m looking forward to the most is working with Mrs. de la Torre and teachers on implementing the new strategic plan,” said Godley.
However, Godley’s departure is bittersweet. When asked what she will miss most about being Upper School Director, Godley, with no hesitation, replied, “the students. With no question. I’ll miss the day to day interactions with the students.” Yet, Godley will still be teaching the tenth-grade leadership class, will now begin attending Agenda, and will have other small interactions with students. As a former College Counselor of several years, Godley believes that she will hopefully be able to bring her knowledge about the student experience in the MFS Upper School to the changes she implements as the Associate Head of School and Academic Dean.
De la Torre also announced in her statements that “a national search for [Meredith Godley’s] successor will begin immediately.” Stay tuned for updates on her position.