Tuesday, at one o’clock in the afternoon, the Dining Hall Commons transformed into the Quiz Bowl arena. Upper School contestants enthusiastically answered questions related to the topics: Quakerism, Sports, Movies, Popular Culture, Core Academics, and Random Questions. After a brief introduction to the rules, each four-person team prepared for an intense trivia competition.

First on the scoreboard was the freshman class, which earned 500 points in the Movie category. Then the seniors claimed the lead with two correct answers and set the tone for an upper-class dominated Quiz Bowl. The freshmen, juniors, and seniors battled it out in the first rounds of the competition.
Eventually, the sophomores buzzed in with a correct answer in the Pop Culture category and earned their spot on the scoreboard. Contestant Ava Carlson ’21 explained that “our team knew the answers, we just had a hard time with the buzzer.”

After the six categories were completed, the teams moved into Final Jeopardy with the seniors in the lead with 3100 points, followed by the juniors with 1700 points, and the two underclass teams tied with 1200 points. This year’s final Jeopardy topic was The Bible, which proved to be a difficult one.
The final question stated that Adam and Eve both wear this type of leaves. Both the freshmen and sophomore teams bet all their points in the final round, but chose the incorrect answer. The senior and junior teams responded to the question with, “What are fig leaves?” which was the correct response.
The seniors won this year’s Quiz Bowl, earning 100 more points for their Spirit Week total. This crucial win gives the current lead to the seniors.
Quiz Bowl Teams:
Seniors: Bailey Butterworth, Jaylen Patel, Aaron Klein, Henry Powell
Juniors: Kayla Patel, Chase Eni, Bobby Lodge
Sophomores: Ava Carlson, Colin Cooper, Aani Desai, Peter Tummarello
Freshmen: Andrew Mercantini, Heera Dalal, Michael Huettel, Aidan Short
Quiz Bowl Results:
- Seniors: 3400
- Juniors: 2500
- Sophomores & Freshmen: 0