In the aftermath of the 2016 Presidential Election, just one week ago, many MFS students and alumni took to social media to vent their feelings, both positive and negative, about the outcome. Below are just a few examples of Facebook posts from former or current members of the MFS community that the WordsWorth staff found to be especially illuminating.
Alex Horn, Senior, Class of 2017 (posted November 9)
I’d like to remind everyone posting “If you voted for Trump, unfriend me and never talk to me again” on their walls of the following:
Half the country voted for Trump. Your friends, your family, your colleagues, your classmates, and your neighbors voted for Trump. People of all backgrounds, races, genders, socioeconomic statuses, and orientations voted for Trump. The guy who pumps your gas—the girl who pours your coffee—the old, widower veteran down the street—all of these people voted for Trump.
And guess what? All of these same kinds of people voted for Hillary, too: there are a lot of people in this country, a lot of voters, and they all made their own decision, as is their right.
If you think Trump voters have lost your friendship, that is your prerogative. However poorly it speaks to your tolerance, your grace, and your understanding, it is your right. But no matter what, do not let this election stop you from granting others your respect: that type of villainization plays into the very worst instincts of the human soul, and I beg you not to give in. How can anyone claim to believe in equality, and then dismiss half the country as beneath them?
I voted for Governor Gary Johnson. I am proud of that vote, and rightly so. Many of my friends and family—people I love and admire—voted for Secretary Hillary Clinton. They are proud of their votes, and rightly so. And many of my friends and family—people I love and admire—also voted for President-elect Donald Trump. They are proud of their votes, and rightly so.
Everyone had a reason for casting the vote that they did, and most of those reasons were the same reason: they picked the candidate who, to paraphrase the Declaration of Independence, seemed most likely to bring about the safety and happiness of themselves, the people they hold dear, and the country as a whole.
To my liberal friends, who I cherish and hope not to lose over this: If you find President-elect Trump rude and improper, make those views known. If you find President-elect Trump’s policies backwards and counterproductive, oppose them at every turn. If you fear for the safety and wellbeing of your countrymen and yourselves, stand strong together and fight for what you believe.
But do not, for the love of all that we hold dear, mistake politics for morality and a vote for a character. Good people voted for Trump. Good people voted for Hillary. Good people voted third-party, and good people stayed home. The election is over: until next time, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that these good people are friends, are family, are Americans: and that regardless of who lives in the White House, we will all stand together.
David Golden, Alumni, Class of 2015 (posted November 9)
Progress is not inevitable in this country. We have to fight for it at every opportunity. After the Civil War, Reconstruction didn’t end, it was killed by white racism. What is inevitable is backlash to the progress we do make. We must maintain our fight in the face of it always.
Noah Borromeo, Senior, Class of 2017 (posted November 9)
Mariana Goldlust, Sophomore, Class of 2019 (posted November 10)
This week, or rather, the election itself has revealed the true passion that Americans have for the overall wellbeing of our nation and its inhabitants. It has shown how each and every one of us has often complex views, that may or may not correspond with the views of those that in which we associate.
Undoubtedly, I do not support Trump and the values that he possesses and attempts to instill on the people of our country. Like many others, learning the news of his elect was both blindsiding and terrifying for me. In a day and age of progression, his presidency makes me feel as though we are being shoved backwards in history.
However, citizens of the United States carry the birthright to express their notions, freely. Everyone has the prerogative to vote for whom they choose, just like they have the right to practice the religion that in which they believe. Coinciding with this principle, individuals have freedom of expression. When someone is unhappy with a situation, they should not be afraid to speak their mind.
So, yes, the election has concluded. Yes, we now hold the knowledge of who will be leading our nation, shortly. And yes, millions, including myself, are dissatisfied with the final product.
Yet, opposed to viewing this “Season Finale” as a complete dead end, it is vital that we maintain the relationships that we have created thus far. The constitution reminds us that the United States is defined by the people. We, the people must continue to spread kindness, love, and ultimately, peace on Earth, even at a time of utter division.
Austin Harris, Alumni, Class of 2013 (posted November 10)
One thing I truly can’t stand is people policing the reactions of others to this election. Especially when the people doing the policing were never on the receiving end of Donald Trump’s vitriol. Freedom of speech is one of the founding tenets of this country (you keep reminding us), so I’m going to react however I want, just like you did when Obama was elected. The difference is that Obama never tried to ban an entire religious group from entering the country, and Joe Biden never supported using electric shocks to make gay kids straight.
Alex Ouinjan, Alumni, Class of 2015 (posted November 12)
Honestly since this trump victory I’ve seen so many people from across races make an effort to come together and show that we are united. I’m really happy about that.