This year, Spirit Week lost a bit of its usual charm. Most years, the lower schoolers are asked which hallway they liked the most. However, due to the postponement in Spirit Week, the Friday that the Lower Schoolers would normally be touring each hallway coincided with the parent-teacher conferences, meaning that the younger kids were not in school. The results of each Lower School class’s opinion of the best hallway is usually announced right before the Freshmen’s airband. While the kids’ vote does not factor into the scoring, it is still a charming aspect of Spirit Week that the Upper School body missed this time around. Each grade loves to hear that the three and four year-olds liked their hallway the most, and hearing their grade called as the kids’ choice always results in an eruption of cheering. Especially this year, with the surprising way the placement for hallway scoring worked out, as well as the new 20% rule limiting how hallways are designed, all four grades sorely missed the Lower Schoolers’ feedback. Let’s hope they’re back for next year’s hallway.