The Eliminator
This year’s format for the competition was different from previous Spirit Weeks: instead of a one-round, four-team free-for-all, The Eliminator was held in four head-to-head rounds. The seniors and juniors knocked off the freshmen and sophomores, respectively, in the preliminary rounds, and the sophomores’ Spirit Week struggles continued as they fell to the freshmen in the consolation match. The junior-senior final, perhaps the most thrilling Eliminator finish in recent memory, came down to the wire, with experienced senior David Golden riding the mini tricycle against first-timer Gaby Montes for the juniors. In a stunning feat, Montes shattered all expectations, riding the trike with incredible finesse and leaving Golden in the dust. How did she do it? To paraphrase Montes, “sometimes when I’m bored at home I ride around on a tricycle.”
Spirit Week: a time for discovering the strangest talents that no one knew people could even have.
Hallway Time Lapses
Score after Day 4:
Seniors: 525
Juniors: 425
Freshmen: 362.5
Sophomores: 187.5