Minors offered during Spring 2013. Minors with strikeout indicate classes filled to capacity
Wondering which electives to choose for next year? There are electives for everyone from the athlete to the science genius. Fitness and Wellness, Dance Performance, Introduction to Computer Programming, and Advanced Woodworking are just a few of the various electives that Moorestown Friends offers. As we all know, each MFS student must complete two art minors, two religion minors, and one technology minor before he or she graduates. Some favorites under these categories include Adobe Photoshop (technology), Harry Potter and Philosophy (religion), and Watercolor painting (art).
Senior Sarah Master spoke about her choice of minor classes, saying, “I always love a good painting minor.” Master also found interest in both Film as Art and Film Analysis. Film as Art is taught by Mark Gornto, who shows his students how to appreciate film by watching and analyzing films with the class. The class produced their own short films by the end of the year. Film Analysis is taught by Hezekiah Lewis. This class analyzed the production aspect of films as well as their themes, and the class ended with the production of two short films which will be shown in the school’s film festival.
Lauren Brill said, “My favorite minor so far this year was Neuroscience with Barb.” Brill explained, “Basically she picks a book and reads various passages from it, but we mostly just talked about interesting psychology-related things she saw in the news.” Brill added, “A great thing about the class was that it wasn’t very structured; we knew we wouldn’t finish a whole book so we were able to spend as much time as we wanted or needed on any interesting topics that came up.”
Many students reported that they enjoyed minors they originally assumed they would not like. When junior Christian Aguilar was put into a water color class his first reaction was, “I’m not interested in art class.” It turned out that “It was actually really fun.” Senior Brett Eiffes found herself in the same situation her sophomore year when she took Genealogy to fill her technology requirement. Expecting the worst, Eiffes soon discovered, “it was really fun because the people in it were fun and I got to learn a lot about my family online.”